
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Carlson, B. A., Gallant J. R.2013From Sequence to Spike to Spark: Evo-devo-neuroethology of Electric Communication in Mormyrid Fishes
Gallant, J. R., Arnegard, M. E., Sullivan, J. P., Carlson, B. A., Hopkins C. D.2011Signal variation and its morphological correlates in Paramormyrops kingsleyae provide insight into the evolution of electrogenic signal diversity in mormyrid electric fish
Gallant, J. R., Hopkins, C. D., Deitcher D. L.2012Differential expression of genes and proteins between electric organ and skeletal muscle in the mormyrid electric fish Brienomyrus brachyistius
Gallant, J. R., Hopkins, C. D., Deitcher D. L.2012Differential expression of genes and proteins between electric organ and skeletal muscle in the mormyrid electric fish Brienomyrus brachyistius
Gallant, J. R., Traeger, L. L., Volkening, J. D., Moffett, H., Chen, P. - H., Novina, C. D., Jr, G. N. Phillips, Anand, R., Wells, G. B., Pinch, M. others,2014Genomic basis for the convergent evolution of electric organs
Pitchers, W. R., Constantinou, S. J., Losilla, M., Gallant J. R.2016Electric Fish Genomics: Progress, Prospects, and New Tools for Neuroethology
Pitchers, W. R., Constantinou, S. J., Losilla, M., Gallant J. R.2016Electric fish genomics: progress, prospects, and new tools for neuroethology
Saunders, A. N., Gallant J. R.2024A review of the reproductive biology of mormyroid fishes: An emerging model for biomedical research
Swapna, I., Ghezzi, A., York, J. M., Markham, M. R., D Halling, B., Lu, Y., Gallant, J. R., Zakon H. H.2018Electrostatic tuning of a potassium channel in electric fish
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith