
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
Korniienko, Y., Tiedemann, R., Vater, M., Kirschbaum F.2020Ontogeny of the electric organ discharge and of the papillae of the electrocytes in the weakly electric fish
Kramer, B.2020Communication and Waveform Analysis in Weakly Electric Fishes With Special Emphasis on Mormyrids
Kramer, B.2013Morphological and electrophysiological field observations on electric freshwater fish of the genus Mormyrops Müller 1843 (Teleostei: Mormyridae) from West and southern Africa
Kramer, B.2013Differentiation in morphology and electrical signalling in four species of para- and sympatric Marcusenius (Teleostei: Mormyridae) from Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa
Kramer, B., Bills, R., Skelton, P., Wink M.2012A critical revision of the churchill snoutfish, genus Petrocephalus Marcusen, 1854 (Actinopterygii: Teleostei: Mormyridae), from southern and eastern Africa, with the recognition of Petrocephalus tanensis, and the description of five new species
Kramer, B.2009Electric Communication and Electrolocation
Kramer, B., Maake, P. A., Gon O.2016Electric organ discharges of South African Marcusenius species (Teleostei: Mormyridae) and their effectiveness as indicators of local species diversity
Kramer, B., Skelton, P., van der Bank, F. Herman, Wink M.2007Allopatric differentiation in the Marcusenius macrolepidotus species complex in southern and eastern Africa: the resurrection of M. pongolensis and M. angolensis, and the description of two new species (Mormyridae, Teleostei)
Kramer, B., Swartz E.2010A new species of Slender Stonebasher within the Hippopotamyrus ansorgii complex from the Cunene River in southern Africa (Teleostei: Mormyriformes)
Kramer, B., van der Bank F. Herman2011The Victoria Falls, a species boundary for the Zambezi Parrotfish, Cyphomyrus discorhynchus (Peters, 1852), and the resurrection of Cyphomyrus cubangoensis (Pellegrin, 1936) (Mormyridae: Teleostei)
Kramer, B., van der Bank F. Herman2000The southern churchill, Petrocephalus wesselsi, a new species of mormyrid from South Africa defined by electric organ discharges, genetics, and morphology
Kramer, B., van der Bank, F. Herman, Flint, N., Sauer-Gürth, H., Wink M.2003Evidence for parapatric speciation in the mormyrid fish, Pollimyrus castelnaui (Boulenger, 1911) from the Okavango-Upper Zambezi River systems: P. marianne sp. nov., defined by electric organ discharges, morphology and genetics
Kramer, B., van der Bank, F. Herman, Wink M.2016Marcusenius desertus sp. nov. (Teleostei: Mormyridae), a mormyrid fish from the Namib desert
Kramer, B., van der Bank, F. Herman, Wink M.2014Marked differentiation in a new species of dwarf stonebasher, Pollimyrus cuandoensis sp. nov. (Mormyridae: Teleostei), from a contact zone with two sibling species of the Okavango and Zambezi rivers
Kramer, B., van der Bank, F. Herman, Wink M.2004Hippopotamyrus ansorgii species complex in the Upper Zambezi River System with a description of a new species, H. szaboi (Mormyridae)
Kramer, B., Wink M.2013East–west differentiation in the Marcusenius macrolepidotus species complex in Southern Africa: the description of a new species for the lower Cunene River, Namibia (Teleostei: Mormyridae)
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Lamanna, F., Kirschbaum, F., Ernst, A. R. R., Feulner, P. G. D., Mamonekene, V., Paul, C., Tiedemann R.2016Species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships in a genus of African weakly-electric fishes (Osteoglossiformes, Mormyridae, Campylomormyrus)
Lamanna, F., Kirschbaum, F., Tiedemann R.2014De novo assembly and characterization of the skeletal muscle and electric organ transcriptomes of the African weakly-electric fish Campylomormyrus compressirostris (Mormyridae, Teleostei)
Lamanna, F., Kirschbaum, F., Tiedemann R.2014De novo assembly and characterization of the skeletal muscle and electric organ transcriptomes of the African weakly electric fish Campylomormyrus compressirostris (Mormyridae, Teleostei)
Lamanna, F., Kirschbaum, F., Waurick, I., Dieterich, C., Tiedemann R.2015Cross-tissue and cross-species analysis of gene expression in skeletal muscle and electric organ of African weakly-electric fish (Teleostei; Mormyridae)
Lamml, M., Kramer B.2006Allopatric differentiation in the acoustic communication of a weakly electric fish from southern Africa, Marcusenius macrolepidotus (Mormyridae, Teleostei)
Lavoué, S.2016Petrocephalus leo, a new species of African electric fish (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) from the Oubangui River basin (Congo basin)
Lavoué, S.2012Petrocephalus Marcusen, 1854 (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) of the Bangweulu-Mweru ecoregion (Luapula River system, Congo basin), with the description of a new species
Lavoué, S.2011A new species of Petrocephalus Marcusen 1854 (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) from the Sanaga River basin, Cameroon
Lavoué, S., Arnegard, M. E., Sullivan, J. P., Hopkins C. D.2008Petrocephalus of Odzala offer insights into evolutionary patterns of signal diversification in the Mormyridae, a family of weakly electrogenic fishes from Africa
Lavoué, S., Hopkins, C. D., A. Toham K.2004The Petrocephalus (Pisces, Osteoglossomorpha, Mormyridae) of Gabon, Central Africa, with description of a new species
Lavoué, S., Miya, M., Arnegard, M. E., Sullivan, J. P., Hopkins, C. D., Nishida M.2012Comparable Ages for the Independent Origins of Electrogenesis in African and South American Weakly Electric Fishes
Lavoué, S., Sullivan J. P.2014Petrocephalus boboto and Petrocephalus arnegardi, two new species of African electric fish (Osteoglossomorpha, Mormyridae) from the Congo River basin
Lavoué, S., Sullivan, J. P., Arnegard M. E.2010African weakly electric fishes of the genus Petrocephalus (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) of Odzala National Park, Republic of Congo (Lékoli River, Congo River basin) with description of five new species
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Lavoué, S., Sullivan, J. P., Hopkins C. D.2003Phylogenetic utility of the first two introns of the S7 ribosomal protein gene in African electric fishes (Mormyroidea: Teleostei) and congruence with other molecular markers
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith