The electric organ discharges of the Petrocephalus species (Teleostei: Mormyridae) of the Upper Volta System

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:Moritz, T., Engelmann, J., Linsenmair, K. E., von der Emde G.
Journal:Journal of Fish Biology
Date Published:Jan
ISBN Number:0022-1112
Keywords:active electrolocation, central-africa, communication, eod waveform, fishes mormyridae, gnathonemus-petersii mormyridae, osteoglossomorpha, pendjari, pollimyrus-isidori, recognition, sex-differences, speciation, variability, water conductivity, weakly electric fish, west africa

In this study, a first comparative investigation of all four species of Petrocephalus (P. bovei, P. bane, P. soudanensis and P. cf. pallidomaculatus) present in the Upper Volta system and their electric organ discharges (EOD) was conducted. It was found that P. bovei was the most widespread (in terms of habitat use), but in several places P. bovei, P. soudanensis and P. cf. pallidomaculatus occurred syntopically. All species emitted a triphasic signal, and with very few exceptions, the Petrocephalus species of the Upper Volta system could clearly be identified on the basis of their EOD waveforms. The most obvious differences between species in EOD waveforms were in amplitude of the last phase, total duration and fast Fourier transformation (FFT) peak frequency. No sexual dimorphism was present in the EOD of any species although external dimorphism, i.e. an indentation at the base of the anal fin of mature males, was common. The EOD waveform diversity in the Upper Volta principally resembled that found in four sympatric Petrocephalus species from the OgoouE system (Gabon) and might play a role in species recognition and speciation processes.

URL:<Go to ISI>://000262516900004
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