Marcusenius kutuensis


The EOD of Marcusenius kutuensis has a very weak P0 (observable only at high gain) followed by a relatively long P1 and a shorter P2. The total duration is 1.9 ms, duration of P1= 1.2 ms, duration of P2= 0.54 ms. This description is based on the EOD of a single specimen (AMNH 228156) recorded from the Yobé River (tributary of the Sangha River) in southwest C.A.R.


to 195 mm SL


One individual of Marcusenius kutuensis was sequenced for molecular phylogenetic studies (Sullivan et al. 2000, Lavoué et al. 2003), however it was only identified as "Marcusenius sp." Its sequences are available by searching for Marcusenius sp. AMNH228156 in GenBank. Results of these studies indicate that it is not a close relative of two other large-scaled Marcusenius with which it may co-occur, Marcusenius moorii & M. schilthuisae.


Central Congo basin. See FishBase for museum holdings and localities. While Fishbase shows no records post 1960, it has recently been collected in the Lékoli-Mambili basin of Odzala Park, R. Congo, the Sangha River basin of C.A.R. as well as Lac Tumba in DR Congo.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith