Stomatorhinus walkeri

General description: 

A relatively large and deep-bodied Stomatorhinus, depth 25–29% SL. Dorsal and ventral profiles gently convex, head profile above the eye nearly straight. Snout is rounded, not truncate, and projects noticeably beyond mouth. Mouth small. Teeth 7–9/8–10. Eye size in middle range for genus, 9-14% HL. Interorbital distance is 63–83% of head width. Head width 44–50% HL. Teeth usually 9/10, although sometimes as few as 7/8. Dorsal rays 17–20, anal rays 21–22, pectoral rays 10. Total scales along longitudinal line 46–53, the first 39–48 bearing a lateral-line pore. Pore-bearing scales terminate on caudal peduncle. Caudal peduncle with 12-14 circumpeduncular scales. Scale rows between origin of pelvic fin and lateral line scale 12–14. Total vertebrae 37-39 (excluding urostyle).


up to 100 mm SL


Widespread within the Ogooué basin of Gabon (although apparently absent from the upper Ivindo). It also occurs in the Niari-Kouilou of Congo-Brazzaville. See FishBase for museum records and localities.


Stomatorhinus walkeri has been taken both in small streams and in deep water among rocks in the Ogooué River channel.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith