Welcome, mormyrophile!
Looking for information on mormyrid fishes? You're in the right place. Here you'll find a classification reflecting the most recent published changes to mormyrid taxonomy, a page for each mormyrid genus and species including a photograph of the type specimen, information on the electric organ discharge waveform (EOD) if known, and a bibliography including all original species descriptions and many other important works on mormyrids. We hope this site is useful to the specialist and general public alike. Have something to contribute? Say hello and request an account at the login link (upper right). This is an ongoing labor of love. Check back often to see what's been added.
How to use this site: Use the search box (upper right corner of this window) if you know the name of the taxon or author you're looking for. Alternatively, click on the "Mormyridae" tab (upper left) where you can start with an introduction to these fishes, a key to genera, and a clickable classification.
Mormyrometer: As of 25 November 2024, there are 233 described mormyrid species we regard as valid. More await description. How many of them do you know?
Recent Blog entries
John P. Sullivan - 2024-déc-21
For a modest investment in a USB audio interface anyone can make high quality recordings of a we
jasongallant - 2024-Juil-08
Interested in exploring genomic resources of mormyrids (and other electric fish?).
jasongallant - 2024-juin-28
Welcome to our new home at https://mormyrids.efis
John P. Sullivan - 2023-jan-09
In late 2022 I and nine coauthors published a paper that made changes to mormyrid taxonomy based
John P. Sullivan - 2018-oct-10
Electric signals produced by Africa’s freshwater mormyrid fishes are useful to fish taxonomists
John P. Sullivan - 2018-Aoû-31
John P. Sullivan - 2017-mai-18
Researchers at Cornell University have just published the description of a new species of weakly
John P. Sullivan - 2016-fév-27
Here I lay out how I record the electric organ discharges (EODs) of mormyrids and offer some adv
John P. Sullivan - 2015-juin-23
In my previous article about how to put together a mormyrid "fish finder" from two inexpensive R
John P. Sullivan - 2015-jan-05
In the second of my "how-to" blog articles, I'll cover how to build and use the famous "Hopkins
John P. Sullivan - 2014-nov-21
Locating and capturing weakly electric fishes (African mormyroids and South American gymnotiform
Recently Added Literature
Date de publication: 2024-déc-27
Date de publication: 2024-déc-18
Date de publication: 2024-déc-02
Date de publication: 2024-nov-25
Date de publication: 2024-oct-09
Date de publication: 2024-Sep-12
Date de publication: 2024-Sep-12
Date de publication: 2024-Sep-12
Date de publication: 2024-Sep-12
Date de publication: 2024-Sep-12
Date de publication: 2024-Sep-12
The transcriptional correlates of divergent electric organ discharges in Paramormyrops electric fishDate de publication: 2024-Sep-12
Recently Added Taxon Descriptions
John P. Sullivan - 2024-nov-25
John P. Sullivan - 2024-oct-12
John P. Sullivan - 2019-Sep-14
John P. Sullivan - 2019-avr-12
John P. Sullivan - 2019-Mar-24
John P. Sullivan - 2019-fév-27
John P. Sullivan - 2018-Sep-06
Sébastien Lavoué - 2016-juin-19
Sébastien Lavoué - 2016-juin-19
Sébastien Lavoué - 2016-juin-19
Sébastien Lavoué - 2016-juin-19
Sébastien Lavoué - 2016-juin-19