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Taxonomic name
- Boulengeromyrus (3) Apply Boulengeromyrus filter
- Boulengeromyrus knoepffleri (3) Apply Boulengeromyrus knoepffleri filter
- Brevimyrus (11) Apply Brevimyrus filter
- Brevimyrus niger (11) Apply Brevimyrus niger filter
- Brienomyrus (19) Apply Brienomyrus filter
- Brienomyrus brachyistius (18) Apply Brienomyrus brachyistius filter
- Brienomyrus longianalis (7) Apply Brienomyrus longianalis filter
- Campylomormyrus (28) Apply Campylomormyrus filter
- Campylomormyrus alces (5) Apply Campylomormyrus alces filter
- Campylomormyrus bredoi (5) Apply Campylomormyrus bredoi filter
- Campylomormyrus cassaicus (4) Apply Campylomormyrus cassaicus filter
- Campylomormyrus christyi (5) Apply Campylomormyrus christyi filter
- Campylomormyrus compressirostris (6) Apply Campylomormyrus compressirostris filter
- Campylomormyrus curvirostris (8) Apply Campylomormyrus curvirostris filter
- Campylomormyrus elephas (10) Apply Campylomormyrus elephas filter
- Campylomormyrus luapulaensis (5) Apply Campylomormyrus luapulaensis filter
- Campylomormyrus mirus (7) Apply Campylomormyrus mirus filter
- Campylomormyrus numenius (13) Apply Campylomormyrus numenius filter
- Campylomormyrus orycteropus (2) Apply Campylomormyrus orycteropus filter
- Campylomormyrus phantasticus (5) Apply Campylomormyrus phantasticus filter
- Campylomormyrus rhynchophorus (13) Apply Campylomormyrus rhynchophorus filter
- Campylomormyrus tamandua (17) Apply Campylomormyrus tamandua filter
- Campylomormyrus tshokwe (7) Apply Campylomormyrus tshokwe filter
- Cyphomyrus (24) Apply Cyphomyrus filter
- Cyphomyrus aelsbroecki (3) Apply Cyphomyrus aelsbroecki filter
- Cyphomyrus discorhynchus (8) Apply Cyphomyrus discorhynchus filter
- Cyphomyrus macrops (6) Apply Cyphomyrus macrops filter
- Cyphomyrus petherici (3) Apply Cyphomyrus petherici filter
- Cyphomyrus psittacus (14) Apply Cyphomyrus psittacus filter
- Cyphomyrus weeksii (6) Apply Cyphomyrus weeksii filter
- Cyphomyrus wilverthi (7) Apply Cyphomyrus wilverthi filter
- Genyomyrus (6) Apply Genyomyrus filter
- Genyomyrus donnyi (6) Apply Genyomyrus donnyi filter
- Gnathonemus (18) Apply Gnathonemus filter
- Gnathonemus barbatus (2) Apply Gnathonemus barbatus filter
- Gnathonemus echidnorhynchus (3) Apply Gnathonemus echidnorhynchus filter
- Gnathonemus longibarbis (5) Apply Gnathonemus longibarbis filter
- Gnathonemus petersii (15) Apply Gnathonemus petersii filter
- Heteromormyrus (11) Apply Heteromormyrus filter
- Heteromormyrus ansorgii (7) Apply Heteromormyrus ansorgii filter
- Heteromormyrus pauciradiatus (5) Apply Heteromormyrus pauciradiatus filter
- Heteromormyrus szaboi (2) Apply Heteromormyrus szaboi filter
- Heteromormyrus tavernei (2) Apply Heteromormyrus tavernei filter
- Hippopotamyrus (13) Apply Hippopotamyrus filter
- Hippopotamyrus castor (8) Apply Hippopotamyrus castor filter
- Hippopotamyrus harringtoni (6) Apply Hippopotamyrus harringtoni filter
- Hippopotamyrus paugyi (4) Apply Hippopotamyrus paugyi filter
- Hippopotamyrus pictus (10) Apply Hippopotamyrus pictus filter
- Hyperopisus (13) Apply Hyperopisus filter
- Hyperopisus bebe (12) Apply Hyperopisus bebe filter
- Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis (3) Apply Hyperopisus bebe occidentalis filter
- Isichthys (12) Apply Isichthys filter
- Isichthys henryi (12) Apply Isichthys henryi filter
- Ivindomyrus (9) Apply Ivindomyrus filter
- Ivindomyrus marchei (7) Apply Ivindomyrus marchei filter
- Ivindomyrus opdenboschi (4) Apply Ivindomyrus opdenboschi filter
- Marcusenius (57) Apply Marcusenius filter
- Marcusenius abadii (6) Apply Marcusenius abadii filter
- Marcusenius altisambesi (3) Apply Marcusenius altisambesi filter
- Marcusenius angolensis (5) Apply Marcusenius angolensis filter
- Marcusenius bentleyi (4) Apply Marcusenius bentleyi filter
- Marcusenius brucii (4) Apply Marcusenius brucii filter
- Marcusenius cyprinoides (11) Apply Marcusenius cyprinoides filter
- Marcusenius deboensis (3) Apply Marcusenius deboensis filter
- Marcusenius dundoensis (3) Apply Marcusenius dundoensis filter
- Marcusenius friteli (3) Apply Marcusenius friteli filter
- Marcusenius furcidens (4) Apply Marcusenius furcidens filter
- Marcusenius fuscus (3) Apply Marcusenius fuscus filter
- Marcusenius ghesquierei (3) Apply Marcusenius ghesquierei filter
- Marcusenius greshoffii (9) Apply Marcusenius greshoffii filter
- Marcusenius intermedius (4) Apply Marcusenius intermedius filter
- Marcusenius kutuensis (5) Apply Marcusenius kutuensis filter
- Marcusenius leopoldianus (3) Apply Marcusenius leopoldianus filter
- Marcusenius livingstonii (4) Apply Marcusenius livingstonii filter
- Marcusenius macrolepidotus (10) Apply Marcusenius macrolepidotus filter
- Marcusenius mento (9) Apply Marcusenius mento filter
- Marcusenius meronai (4) Apply Marcusenius meronai filter
- Marcusenius monteiri (7) Apply Marcusenius monteiri filter
- Marcusenius moorii (14) Apply Marcusenius moorii filter
- Marcusenius ntemensis (3) Apply Marcusenius ntemensis filter
- Marcusenius sanagaensis (3) Apply Marcusenius sanagaensis filter
- Marcusenius schilthuisiae (5) Apply Marcusenius schilthuisiae filter
- Marcusenius senegalensis (8) Apply Marcusenius senegalensis filter
- Marcusenius stanleyanus (8) Apply Marcusenius stanleyanus filter
- Marcusenius thomasi (4) Apply Marcusenius thomasi filter
- Marcusenius ussheri (8) Apply Marcusenius ussheri filter
- Marcusenius victoriae (3) Apply Marcusenius victoriae filter
- Mormyridae (188) Apply Mormyridae filter
- Mormyrinae (155) Apply Mormyrinae filter
- Mormyrops (40) Apply Mormyrops filter
- Mormyrops (Oxymormyrus) boulengeri (5) Apply Mormyrops (Oxymormyrus) boulengeri filter
- Mormyrops (Oxymormyrus) zanclirostris (7) Apply Mormyrops (Oxymormyrus) zanclirostris filter
- Mormyrops anguilloides (21) Apply Mormyrops anguilloides filter
- Mormyrops attenuatus (7) Apply Mormyrops attenuatus filter
- Mormyrops batesianus (2) Apply Mormyrops batesianus filter
- Mormyrops breviceps (11) Apply Mormyrops breviceps filter
- Mormyrops caballus (6) Apply Mormyrops caballus filter
- Mormyrops citernii (2) Apply Mormyrops citernii filter
- Mormyrops curtus (5) Apply Mormyrops curtus filter
- Mormyrops curviceps (4) Apply Mormyrops curviceps filter
- Mormyrops engystoma (9) Apply Mormyrops engystoma filter
- Mormyrops furcidens (3) Apply Mormyrops furcidens filter
- Mormyrops intermedius (2) Apply Mormyrops intermedius filter
- Mormyrops lineolatus (5) Apply Mormyrops lineolatus filter
- Mormyrops mariae (6) Apply Mormyrops mariae filter
- Mormyrops masuianus (6) Apply Mormyrops masuianus filter
- Mormyrops microstoma (4) Apply Mormyrops microstoma filter
- Mormyrops nigricans (7) Apply Mormyrops nigricans filter
- Mormyrops oudoti (5) Apply Mormyrops oudoti filter
- Mormyrops parvus (3) Apply Mormyrops parvus filter
- Mormyrops sirenoides (7) Apply Mormyrops sirenoides filter
- Mormyrus (42) Apply Mormyrus filter
- Mormyrus caballus lualabae (3) Apply Mormyrus caballus lualabae filter
- Mormyrus bernhardi (2) Apply Mormyrus bernhardi filter
- Mormyrus caballus (12) Apply Mormyrus caballus filter
- Mormyrus caballus asinus (4) Apply Mormyrus caballus asinus filter
- Mormyrus caballus bumbanus (4) Apply Mormyrus caballus bumbanus filter
- Mormyrus caschive (8) Apply Mormyrus caschive filter
- Mormyrus cyaneus (2) Apply Mormyrus cyaneus filter
- Mormyrus goheeni (3) Apply Mormyrus goheeni filter
- Mormyrus hasselquistii (10) Apply Mormyrus hasselquistii filter
- Mormyrus hasselquistii hasselquistii (4) Apply Mormyrus hasselquistii hasselquistii filter
- Mormyrus iriodes (2) Apply Mormyrus iriodes filter
- Mormyrus kannume (7) Apply Mormyrus kannume filter
- Mormyrus lacerda (3) Apply Mormyrus lacerda filter
- Mormyrus longirostris (5) Apply Mormyrus longirostris filter
- Mormyrus macrocephalus (4) Apply Mormyrus macrocephalus filter
- Mormyrus macrophthalmus (6) Apply Mormyrus macrophthalmus filter
- Mormyrus microcephalus (3) Apply Mormyrus microcephalus filter
- Mormyrus niloticus (6) Apply Mormyrus niloticus filter
- Mormyrus ovis (7) Apply Mormyrus ovis filter
- Mormyrus proboscirostris (11) Apply Mormyrus proboscirostris filter
- Mormyrus rume (10) Apply Mormyrus rume filter
- Mormyrus subundulatus (5) Apply Mormyrus subundulatus filter
- Mormyrus tapirus (7) Apply Mormyrus tapirus filter
- Mormyrus tenuirostris (4) Apply Mormyrus tenuirostris filter
- Mormyrus thomasi (3) Apply Mormyrus thomasi filter
- Myomyrus (10) Apply Myomyrus filter
- Myomyrus macrodon (6) Apply Myomyrus macrodon filter
- Myomyrus macrops (2) Apply Myomyrus macrops filter
- Oxymormyrus (11) Apply Oxymormyrus filter
- Paramormyrops (23) Apply Paramormyrops filter
- Paramormyrops batesii (5) Apply Paramormyrops batesii filter
- Paramormyrops curvifrons (2) Apply Paramormyrops curvifrons filter
- Paramormyrops gabonensis (2) Apply Paramormyrops gabonensis filter
- Paramormyrops hopkinsi (2) Apply Paramormyrops hopkinsi filter
- Paramormyrops kingsleyae (11) Apply Paramormyrops kingsleyae filter
- Paramormyrops longicaudatus (2) Apply Paramormyrops longicaudatus filter
- Paramormyrops sphekodes (5) Apply Paramormyrops sphekodes filter
- Petrocephalinae (50) Apply Petrocephalinae filter
- Petrocephalus (49) Apply Petrocephalus filter
- Petrocephalus ansorgii (7) Apply Petrocephalus ansorgii filter
- Petrocephalus balayi (13) Apply Petrocephalus balayi filter
- Petrocephalus bane (11) Apply Petrocephalus bane filter
- Petrocephalus binotatus (4) Apply Petrocephalus binotatus filter
- Petrocephalus bovei (11) Apply Petrocephalus bovei filter
- Petrocephalus catostoma (9) Apply Petrocephalus catostoma filter
- Petrocephalus christyi (7) Apply Petrocephalus christyi filter
- Petrocephalus congicus (2) Apply Petrocephalus congicus filter
- Petrocephalus degeni (2) Apply Petrocephalus degeni filter
- Petrocephalus gliroides (5) Apply Petrocephalus gliroides filter
- Petrocephalus grandoculis (7) Apply Petrocephalus grandoculis filter
- Petrocephalus hutereaui (3) Apply Petrocephalus hutereaui filter
- Petrocephalus keatingii (4) Apply Petrocephalus keatingii filter
- Petrocephalus levequei (4) Apply Petrocephalus levequei filter
- Petrocephalus mbossou (2) Apply Petrocephalus mbossou filter
- Petrocephalus microphthalmus (6) Apply Petrocephalus microphthalmus filter
- Petrocephalus odzalaensis (3) Apply Petrocephalus odzalaensis filter
- Petrocephalus pallidomaculatus (6) Apply Petrocephalus pallidomaculatus filter
- Petrocephalus pellegrini (5) Apply Petrocephalus pellegrini filter
- Petrocephalus pulsivertens (3) Apply Petrocephalus pulsivertens filter
- Petrocephalus sauvagii (12) Apply Petrocephalus sauvagii filter
- Petrocephalus schoutedeni (3) Apply Petrocephalus schoutedeni filter
- Petrocephalus simus (17) Apply Petrocephalus simus filter
- Petrocephalus soudanensis (6) Apply Petrocephalus soudanensis filter
- Petrocephalus sullivani (4) Apply Petrocephalus sullivani filter
- Petrocephalus tenuicauda (4) Apply Petrocephalus tenuicauda filter
- Petrocephalus valentini (3) Apply Petrocephalus valentini filter
- Petrocephalus wesselsi (2) Apply Petrocephalus wesselsi filter
- Petrocephalus zakoni (3) Apply Petrocephalus zakoni filter
- Pollimyrus (29) Apply Pollimyrus filter
- Pollimyrus adspersus (8) Apply Pollimyrus adspersus filter
- Pollimyrus castelnaui (3) Apply Pollimyrus castelnaui filter
- Pollimyrus fasciaticeps (3) Apply Pollimyrus fasciaticeps filter
- Pollimyrus isidori (7) Apply Pollimyrus isidori filter
- Pollimyrus marianne (3) Apply Pollimyrus marianne filter
- Pollimyrus nigricans (3) Apply Pollimyrus nigricans filter
- Pollimyrus nigripinnis (4) Apply Pollimyrus nigripinnis filter
- Pollimyrus petricolus (4) Apply Pollimyrus petricolus filter
- Pollimyrus plagiostoma (7) Apply Pollimyrus plagiostoma filter
- Pollimyrus pulverulentus (4) Apply Pollimyrus pulverulentus filter
- Pollimyrus tumifrons (4) Apply Pollimyrus tumifrons filter
- Stomatorhinus (17) Apply Stomatorhinus filter
- Stomatorhinus ater (3) Apply Stomatorhinus ater filter
- Stomatorhinus corneti (4) Apply Stomatorhinus corneti filter
- Stomatorhinus humilior (4) Apply Stomatorhinus humilior filter
- Stomatorhinus microps (6) Apply Stomatorhinus microps filter
- Stomatorhinus polylepis (5) Apply Stomatorhinus polylepis filter
- Stomatorhinus puncticulatus (3) Apply Stomatorhinus puncticulatus filter
- Stomatorhinus walkeri (7) Apply Stomatorhinus walkeri filter
- 35 (2) Apply 35 filter
- A. Toham, K (1) Apply A. Toham, K filter
- Alves-Gomes, J (2) Apply Alves-Gomes, J filter
- Arnegard, ME (11) Apply Arnegard, ME filter
- Baier, B (1) Apply Baier, B filter
- Bailey, RG. (1) Apply Bailey, RG. filter
- Banister, KE. (1) Apply Banister, KE. filter
- Bass, AH. (2) Apply Bass, AH. filter
- Bigorne, R (10) Apply Bigorne, R filter
- Bills, R (1) Apply Bills, R filter
- Binder, MD. (1) Apply Binder, MD. filter
- Blache, J (2) Apply Blache, J filter
- Blake, B (1) Apply Blake, B filter
- Bleeker, P (1) Apply Bleeker, P filter
- Bloch, M (1) Apply Bloch, M filter
- Boden, G (2) Apply Boden, G filter
- Bogdanowicz, S (1) Apply Bogdanowicz, S filter
- Boulenger, GA. (31) Apply Boulenger, GA. filter
- Bratton, B (1) Apply Bratton, B filter
- Brewer, DJ. (1) Apply Brewer, DJ. filter
- Brown, B (1) Apply Brown, B filter
- Bullock, T (2) Apply Bullock, T filter
- Carlson, BA (2) Apply Carlson, BA filter
- Carlson, BA. (2) Apply Carlson, BA. filter
- Crampton, WG.R. (2) Apply Crampton, WG.R. filter
- Crawford, JD. (2) Apply Crawford, JD. filter
- Cuvier, G (2) Apply Cuvier, G filter
- Daget, J (1) Apply Daget, J filter
- David, L (1) Apply David, L filter
- Davis, JK. (1) Apply Davis, JK. filter
- de Merona, B (1) Apply de Merona, B filter
- Deitcher, DL. (2) Apply Deitcher, DL. filter
- Denizot, J (1) Apply Denizot, J filter
- der Emde, v (1) Apply der Emde, v filter
- E. Hilaire, GSt. (1) Apply E. Hilaire, GSt. filter
- Engelmann, J (2) Apply Engelmann, J filter
- Fay, RR. (1) Apply Fay, RR. filter
- Feulner, PG.D. (4) Apply Feulner, PG.D. filter
- Flint, N (1) Apply Flint, N filter
- Forsskål, PS. (1) Apply Forsskål, PS. filter
- Fowler, H (4) Apply Fowler, H filter
- Friedman, R (1) Apply Friedman, R filter
- Gallant, JR. (3) Apply Gallant, JR. filter
- Gill, T (2) Apply Gill, T filter
- Golubtsov, A (1) Apply Golubtsov, A filter
- Gon, O (1) Apply Gon, O filter
- Gosse, J (1) Apply Gosse, J filter
- Greenwood, P (1) Apply Greenwood, P filter
- Griscom, L (1) Apply Griscom, L filter
- Géry, J (4) Apply Géry, J filter
- Günther, AC. L. G. (9) Apply Günther, AC. L. G. filter
- Harder, W (1) Apply Harder, W filter
- Harmon, LJ. (2) Apply Harmon, LJ. filter
- Hasan, SM (1) Apply Hasan, SM filter
- Heiligenberg, W (1) Apply Heiligenberg, W filter
- Heymer, A (3) Apply Heymer, A filter
- Hilgendorf, F (1) Apply Hilgendorf, F filter
- Hirokawa, N (1) Apply Hirokawa, N filter
- Hollmann, M (1) Apply Hollmann, M filter
- Hopkins, CD (22) Apply Hopkins, CD filter
- Hopkins, CD. (1) Apply Hopkins, CD. filter
- Jackson, BS. (1) Apply Jackson, BS. filter
- Jégu, M (1) Apply Jégu, M filter
- Ketmaier, V (2) Apply Ketmaier, V filter
- Kirschbaum, F (6) Apply Kirschbaum, F filter
- Kramer, B (16) Apply Kramer, B filter
- Lacepède, B (2) Apply Lacepède, B filter
- Lamanna, F (1) Apply Lamanna, F filter
- Lamml, M (1) Apply Lamml, M filter
- Lavoué, S (13) Apply Lavoué, S filter
- Leach, W (1) Apply Leach, W filter
- Lewis, D (1) Apply Lewis, D filter
- Linnaeus, C (1) Apply Linnaeus, C filter
- Linsenmair, KE. (1) Apply Linsenmair, KE. filter
- Lu, Y (1) Apply Lu, Y filter
- Lévêque, C (5) Apply Lévêque, C filter
- Maake, PA. (1) Apply Maake, PA. filter
- Mamonekene, V (2) Apply Mamonekene, V filter
- Marchaterre, MA. (1) Apply Marchaterre, MA. filter
- Marcusen, J (2) Apply Marcusen, J filter
- Marrero, C (1) Apply Marrero, C filter
- Matthes, H (1) Apply Matthes, H filter
- McIntyre, PB. (1) Apply McIntyre, PB. filter
- Miller, DB (1) Apply Miller, DB filter
- Miton, F (1) Apply Miton, F filter
- Miya, M (1) Apply Miya, M filter
- Moller, P (2) Apply Moller, P filter
- Moritz, T (1) Apply Moritz, T filter
- Morrow, EH. (1) Apply Morrow, EH. filter
- Myers, G (1) Apply Myers, G filter
- Müller, J (1) Apply Müller, J filter
- Nichols, J (1) Apply Nichols, J filter
- Nishida, M (1) Apply Nishida, M filter
- Norman, J (2) Apply Norman, J filter
- Orlov, AA. (1) Apply Orlov, AA. filter
- Orts, S (3) Apply Orts, S filter
- Paintner, S (1) Apply Paintner, S filter
- Pappenheim, P (3) Apply Pappenheim, P filter
- Parenzan, P (1) Apply Parenzan, P filter
- Paugy, D (4) Apply Paugy, D filter
- Pellegrin, J (16) Apply Pellegrin, J filter
- Peters, W (3) Apply Peters, W filter
- Plath, M (1) Apply Plath, M filter
- Poll, M (9) Apply Poll, M filter
- Reizer, C (1) Apply Reizer, C filter
- Roberts, T (2) Apply Roberts, T filter
- Roman, B (1) Apply Roman, B filter
- Rüppel, W (1) Apply Rüppel, W filter
- Sauer-Gürth, H (1) Apply Sauer-Gürth, H filter
- Sauvage, H (3) Apply Sauvage, H filter
- Schilthuis, L (1) Apply Schilthuis, L filter
- Schneider, J (1) Apply Schneider, J filter
- Schugardt, C (1) Apply Schugardt, C filter
- Schultz, LP (1) Apply Schultz, LP filter
- Skelton, P (2) Apply Skelton, P filter
- Steindachner, F (3) Apply Steindachner, F filter
- Stewart, D (1) Apply Stewart, D filter
- Stiassny, ML.J. (2) Apply Stiassny, ML.J. filter
- Sullivan, JP (11) Apply Sullivan, JP filter
- Svensson, G (1) Apply Svensson, G filter
- Swainson, W (1) Apply Swainson, W filter
- Swartz, E (2) Apply Swartz, E filter
- Taverne, L (7) Apply Taverne, L filter
- Teugels, G (7) Apply Teugels, G filter
- Tiedemann, R (5) Apply Tiedemann, R filter
- Tuckey, J (1) Apply Tuckey, J filter
- Valenciennes, A (2) Apply Valenciennes, A filter
- van den Audenaerde, DThys (4) Apply van den Audenaerde, DThys filter
- van der Bank, FHerman (6) Apply van der Bank, FHerman filter
- Vinciguerra, D (3) Apply Vinciguerra, D filter
- von der Emde, G (1) Apply von der Emde, G filter
- Wells, J (1) Apply Wells, J filter
- Werneyer, M (1) Apply Werneyer, M filter
- Whitehead, P (1) Apply Whitehead, P filter
- Windhorst, U (1) Apply Windhorst, U filter
- Winemiller, KO. (1) Apply Winemiller, KO. filter
- Wink, M (6) Apply Wink, M filter
- Worthington, E (2) Apply Worthington, E filter
- Zakon, HH. (1) Apply Zakon, HH. filter
- Zelditch, ML. (1) Apply Zelditch, ML. filter
- Zwickl, DJ. (1) Apply Zwickl, DJ. filter
Publication year
- 1758 (1) Apply 1758 filter
- 1775 (1) Apply 1775 filter
- 1801 (1) Apply 1801 filter
- 1803 (2) Apply 1803 filter
- 1809 (1) Apply 1809 filter
- 1818 (1) Apply 1818 filter
- 1832 (1) Apply 1832 filter
- 1838 (1) Apply 1838 filter
- 1840 (1) Apply 1840 filter
- 1843 (1) Apply 1843 filter
- 1847 (1) Apply 1847 filter
- 1852 (1) Apply 1852 filter
- 1854 (1) Apply 1854 filter
- 1862 (2) Apply 1862 filter
- 1863 (1) Apply 1863 filter
- 1864 (2) Apply 1864 filter
- 1866 (3) Apply 1866 filter
- 1867 (1) Apply 1867 filter
- 1868 (1) Apply 1868 filter
- 1872 (1) Apply 1872 filter
- 1873 (1) Apply 1873 filter
- 1874 (1) Apply 1874 filter
- 1876 (1) Apply 1876 filter
- 1879 (1) Apply 1879 filter
- 1880 (1) Apply 1880 filter
- 1882 (1) Apply 1882 filter
- 1883 (1) Apply 1883 filter
- 1887 (1) Apply 1887 filter
- 1888 (1) Apply 1888 filter
- 1890 (1) Apply 1890 filter
- 1891 (1) Apply 1891 filter
- 1894 (1) Apply 1894 filter
- 1896 (1) Apply 1896 filter
- 1897 (2) Apply 1897 filter
- 1898 (2) Apply 1898 filter
- 1899 (4) Apply 1899 filter
- 1900 (2) Apply 1900 filter
- 1901 (4) Apply 1901 filter
- 1902 (1) Apply 1902 filter
- 1903 (1) Apply 1903 filter
- 1904 (3) Apply 1904 filter
- 1905 (3) Apply 1905 filter
- 1906 (4) Apply 1906 filter
- 1907 (2) Apply 1907 filter
- 1908 (1) Apply 1908 filter
- 1909 (2) Apply 1909 filter
- 1910 (2) Apply 1910 filter
- 1912 (2) Apply 1912 filter
- 1913 (1) Apply 1913 filter
- 1914 (3) Apply 1914 filter
- 1915 (1) Apply 1915 filter
- 1916 (1) Apply 1916 filter
- 1917 (1) Apply 1917 filter
- 1919 (2) Apply 1919 filter
- 1920 (2) Apply 1920 filter
- 1922 (1) Apply 1922 filter
- 1924 (1) Apply 1924 filter
- 1926 (1) Apply 1926 filter
- 1927 (1) Apply 1927 filter
- 1928 (2) Apply 1928 filter
- 1929 (1) Apply 1929 filter
- 1932 (1) Apply 1932 filter
- 1933 (2) Apply 1933 filter
- 1934 (1) Apply 1934 filter
- 1935 (1) Apply 1935 filter
- 1936 (2) Apply 1936 filter
- 1937 (1) Apply 1937 filter
- 1938 (1) Apply 1938 filter
- 1939 (2) Apply 1939 filter
- 1941 (2) Apply 1941 filter
- 1942 (1) Apply 1942 filter
- 1945 (1) Apply 1945 filter
- 1954 (2) Apply 1954 filter
- 1958 (1) Apply 1958 filter
- 1959 (1) Apply 1959 filter
- 1960 (1) Apply 1960 filter
- 1961 (1) Apply 1961 filter
- 1964 (3) Apply 1964 filter
- 1966 (1) Apply 1966 filter
- 1967 (3) Apply 1967 filter
- 1968 (2) Apply 1968 filter
- 1972 (2) Apply 1972 filter
- 1974 (1) Apply 1974 filter
- 1975 (1) Apply 1975 filter
- 1976 (2) Apply 1976 filter
- 1977 (3) Apply 1977 filter
- 1979 (2) Apply 1979 filter
- 1982 (1) Apply 1982 filter
- 1984 (1) Apply 1984 filter
- 1985 (3) Apply 1985 filter
- 1986 (3) Apply 1986 filter
- 1987 (1) Apply 1987 filter
- 1988 (1) Apply 1988 filter
- 1989 (4) Apply 1989 filter
- 1990 (6) Apply 1990 filter
- 1991 (1) Apply 1991 filter
- 1992 (1) Apply 1992 filter
- 1993 (1) Apply 1993 filter
- 1997 (2) Apply 1997 filter
- 1998 (1) Apply 1998 filter
- 1999 (1) Apply 1999 filter
- 2000 (3) Apply 2000 filter
- 2001 (1) Apply 2001 filter
- 2003 (5) Apply 2003 filter
- 2004 (6) Apply 2004 filter
- 2005 (5) Apply 2005 filter
- 2006 (4) Apply 2006 filter
- 2007 (4) Apply 2007 filter
- 2008 (4) Apply 2008 filter
- 2009 (3) Apply 2009 filter
- 2010 (4) Apply 2010 filter
- 2011 (4) Apply 2011 filter
- 2012 (5) Apply 2012 filter
- 2013 (4) Apply 2013 filter
- 2014 (5) Apply 2014 filter
Journal keyword
- active electrolocation (1) Apply active electrolocation filter
- adaptive radiation (2) Apply adaptive radiation filter
- aflp (1) Apply aflp filter
- Alestes curtus (1) Apply Alestes curtus filter
- Alestes imberi (1) Apply Alestes imberi filter
- Alestes solatus (1) Apply Alestes solatus filter
- allopatric speciation (1) Apply allopatric speciation filter
- Angola (2) Apply Angola filter
- Atopochilus christyi (1) Apply Atopochilus christyi filter
- Barbus citrinus (1) Apply Barbus citrinus filter
- Barilius christyi (1) Apply Barilius christyi filter
- Bryconaethiops macrops (1) Apply Bryconaethiops macrops filter
- central-africa (1) Apply central-africa filter
- Chiloglanis congicus (1) Apply Chiloglanis congicus filter
- Chrysichthys laticeps (1) Apply Chrysichthys laticeps filter
- Chrysichthys macropterus (1) Apply Chrysichthys macropterus filter
- Chrysobagrus brevibarbus (1) Apply Chrysobagrus brevibarbus filter
- Clarias lindicus (1) Apply Clarias lindicus filter
- communication (1) Apply communication filter
- communication signals (1) Apply communication signals filter
- congofishes (1) Apply congofishes filter
- cSSR (1) Apply cSSR filter
- Distichodus atroventralis (1) Apply Distichodus atroventralis filter
- electric fish (2) Apply electric fish filter
- electric organ (1) Apply electric organ filter
- electric organ anatomy (1) Apply electric organ anatomy filter
- electric organ discharge (2) Apply electric organ discharge filter
- electric organ discharges (1) Apply electric organ discharges filter
- electrosensory modality (1) Apply electrosensory modality filter
- eod waveform (1) Apply eod waveform filter
- fishes mormyridae (1) Apply fishes mormyridae filter
- food-habits (1) Apply food-habits filter
- Gnathonemus alces (1) Apply Gnathonemus alces filter
- Gnathonemus christyi (1) Apply Gnathonemus christyi filter
- gnathonemus-petersii mormyridae (3) Apply gnathonemus-petersii mormyridae filter
- Haplochilus christyi (1) Apply Haplochilus christyi filter
- Haplochilus schoutedeni (1) Apply Haplochilus schoutedeni filter
- introgression (1) Apply introgression filter
- Ivindo (1) Apply Ivindo filter
- Labeo degeni (1) Apply Labeo degeni filter
- Leptocypris brevirostris (1) Apply Leptocypris brevirostris filter
- Marcusenius fasciaticeps (1) Apply Marcusenius fasciaticeps filter
- Marcusenius macroterops (1) Apply Marcusenius macroterops filter
- markers (1) Apply markers filter
- Microstomatichthyoboras bashforddeani (1) Apply Microstomatichthyoboras bashforddeani filter
- Microsynodontis christyi (1) Apply Microsynodontis christyi filter
- mitochondrial-DNA (1) Apply mitochondrial-DNA filter
- molecular evolution (1) Apply molecular evolution filter
- molecular genetics (1) Apply molecular genetics filter
- Mormyridae (7) Apply Mormyridae filter
- mormyroidea (1) Apply mormyroidea filter
- Mormyrops deliciosus (1) Apply Mormyrops deliciosus filter
- Mormyrus petersii (2) Apply Mormyrus petersii filter
- morphometrics (1) Apply morphometrics filter
- Nannocharax procatapus (1) Apply Nannocharax procatapus filter
- neglectus (1) Apply neglectus filter
- osteoglossomorpha (1) Apply osteoglossomorpha filter
- pendjari (1) Apply pendjari filter
- Petersius (1) Apply Petersius filter
- Petersius nummifer (1) Apply Petersius nummifer filter
- Petersius xenurus (1) Apply Petersius xenurus filter
- petrocephalus (1) Apply petrocephalus filter
- Petrocephalus christyi (1) Apply Petrocephalus christyi filter
- Petrocephalus grandoculis (1) Apply Petrocephalus grandoculis filter
- Petrocephalus pictus (1) Apply Petrocephalus pictus filter
- Phractura fasciata (1) Apply Phractura fasciata filter
- phylogeny (1) Apply phylogeny filter
- Pimelodus occidentalis (1) Apply Pimelodus occidentalis filter
- pollimyrus-isidori (2) Apply pollimyrus-isidori filter
- population-structure (1) Apply population-structure filter
- recognition (1) Apply recognition filter
- reproductive isolation (1) Apply reproductive isolation filter
- riverine species flock (1) Apply riverine species flock filter
- sex-differences (1) Apply sex-differences filter
- sexual signal evolution (1) Apply sexual signal evolution filter
- sexual-dimorphism (1) Apply sexual-dimorphism filter
- skeletal muscle (1) Apply skeletal muscle filter
- speciation (2) Apply speciation filter
- species marker (1) Apply species marker filter
- Synodontis greshoffi (1) Apply Synodontis greshoffi filter
- Synodontis holopercnus (1) Apply Synodontis holopercnus filter
- Synodontis ituriensis (1) Apply Synodontis ituriensis filter
- Synodontis ornatus (1) Apply Synodontis ornatus filter
- Synodontis pleurops (1) Apply Synodontis pleurops filter
- Synodontis smiti (1) Apply Synodontis smiti filter
- Synodontis vittatus (1) Apply Synodontis vittatus filter
- Systematics (1) Apply Systematics filter
- teleostei (1) Apply teleostei filter
- Tilapia christyi (1) Apply Tilapia christyi filter
- transcriptome (1) Apply transcriptome filter
- Tristichodus christyi (1) Apply Tristichodus christyi filter
- type npp electrocytes (1) Apply type npp electrocytes filter
- variability (1) Apply variability filter
- water conductivity (1) Apply water conductivity filter
- wave-forms (1) Apply wave-forms filter
- weakly electric fish (1) Apply weakly electric fish filter
- west africa (1) Apply west africa filter
- Xenomystus nigri (1) Apply Xenomystus nigri filter
- Académie royale des sciences d’outre-mer. Classe des sciences naturelles et médicales (Bruxelles) (1) Apply Académie royale des sciences d’outre-mer. Classe des sciences naturelles et médicales (Bruxelles) filter
- African Journal of Aquatic Science (1) Apply African Journal of Aquatic Science filter
- Ann. Mus. ci. Stor. nat. Giacomo. Doria (1) Apply Ann. Mus. ci. Stor. nat. Giacomo. Doria filter
- Annales du Musee du Congo (Sér. Zoology) (6) Apply Annales du Musee du Congo (Sér. Zoology) filter
- Annales du Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale Serie 8 Sciences Zoologiques (1) Apply Annales du Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale Serie 8 Sciences Zoologiques filter
- Annales du Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale Série 8 Zoologie (1) Apply Annales du Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale Série 8 Zoologie filter
- Annales du Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Série 8, Sciences Zoologiques (1) Apply Annales du Musee Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Série 8, Sciences Zoologiques filter
- Annales du Musée royal du Congo Belge. Nouvelle série in quarto, Sciences zoologiques (1) Apply Annales du Musée royal du Congo Belge. Nouvelle série in quarto, Sciences zoologiques filter
- Annales du Musée du Congo Belge (Série 1) (1) Apply Annales du Musée du Congo Belge (Série 1) filter
- Annales du Musée du Congo Belge, Zoologie (1) Apply Annales du Musée du Congo Belge, Zoologie filter
- Annales du Musée du Congo belge. C.–Zoologie Série I. (1) Apply Annales du Musée du Congo belge. C.–Zoologie Série I. filter
- Annales du Musée du Congo belge. Zoologie. Série I, Matériaux pour la faune du Congo (1) Apply Annales du Musée du Congo belge. Zoologie. Série I, Matériaux pour la faune du Congo filter
- Annales du Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Sciences Zoologiques (1) Apply Annales du Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Sciences Zoologiques filter
- Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 3) (1) Apply Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova (Serie 3) filter
- Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale ‘Giacomo Doria’ (1) Apply Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale ‘Giacomo Doria’ filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 10) (1) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 10) filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) (1) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 3) filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) (1) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) (1) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 5) filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) (3) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 6) filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) (4) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) filter
- Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) (3) Apply Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 8) filter
- Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien (1) Apply Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien filter
- Archiv für Naturgeschichte (2) Apply Archiv für Naturgeschichte filter
- Arquivos do Museu Bocage (1) Apply Arquivos do Museu Bocage filter
- Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology (2) Apply Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology filter
- Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlunreuss.Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1) Apply Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlunreuss.Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin filter
- Biologia Gabonica (1) Apply Biologia Gabonica filter
- Biological Journal of the Linnean Society (1) Apply Biological Journal of the Linnean Society filter
- Biological Reviews (1) Apply Biological Reviews filter
- Biology Letters (1) Apply Biology Letters filter
- Biology Letters Evolutionary Biology (1) Apply Biology Letters Evolutionary Biology filter
- Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia (1) Apply Bollettino di Pesca, Piscicoltura e Idrobiologia filter
- Brain Behavior and Evolution (1) Apply Brain Behavior and Evolution filter
- Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg (1) Apply Bulletin de la Classe Physico-Mathématique de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg filter
- Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) (1) Apply Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) filter
- Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris (2) Apply Bulletin de la Société Philomatique de Paris filter
- Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France (7) Apply Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France filter
- Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences de Belgique Biologie (1) Apply Bulletin de l’Institut Royal des Sciences de Belgique Biologie filter
- Bulletin du Musée Royal d’Historie Naturelle de Belgique (1) Apply Bulletin du Musée Royal d’Historie Naturelle de Belgique filter
- Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (1) Apply Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle filter
- Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) (5) Apply Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Série 1) filter
- Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (1) Apply Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris filter
- Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (1) Apply Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History filter
- Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (1) Apply Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology filter
- Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum (1) Apply Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum filter
- Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History) (2) Apply Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British Museum (Natural History) filter
- Collection faune tropicale (1) Apply Collection faune tropicale filter
- Communicative {&} integrative biology (1) Apply Communicative {&} integrative biology filter
- Copeia (2) Apply Copeia filter
- Cybium (7) Apply Cybium filter
- Description de l’Egypte ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l’expedition de l’Armée fran{\c c}ais, publié par les ordres de sa Majesté-L’Empereur Napoléon le Grand (1) Apply Description de l’Egypte ou recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l’expedition de l’Armée fran{\c c}ais, publié par les ordres de sa Majesté-L’Empereur Napoléon le Grand filter
- Electroreception (1) Apply Electroreception filter
- Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (1) Apply Encyclopedia of Neuroscience filter
- Environmental Biology of Fishes (5) Apply Environmental Biology of Fishes filter
- Evolution (2) Apply Evolution filter
- Experimental Biology (1) Apply Experimental Biology filter
- Faune des poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (1) Apply Faune des poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’Ouest filter
- Faune des poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’Ouest = The fresh and brackish water fishes of West Africa (1) Apply Faune des poissons d’eaux douces et saumâtres de l’Afrique de l’Ouest = The fresh and brackish water fishes of West Africa filter
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office Overseas Development Administration, London (1) Apply Foreign and Commonwealth Office Overseas Development Administration, London filter
- Fortsetzung der Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt (1) Apply Fortsetzung der Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt filter
- Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters (2) Apply Ichthyological Explorations of Freshwaters filter
- Journal of Comparative Physiology A (1) Apply Journal of Comparative Physiology A filter
- Journal of Ethology (1) Apply Journal of Ethology filter
- Journal of Evolutionary Biology (2) Apply Journal of Evolutionary Biology filter
- Journal of Experimental Biology (6) Apply Journal of Experimental Biology filter
- Journal of Fish Biology (2) Apply Journal of Fish Biology filter
- Journal of Ichthyology (1) Apply Journal of Ichthyology filter
- Journal of Natural History (8) Apply Journal of Natural History filter
- Journal of Natural History Series 10 (1) Apply Journal of Natural History Series 10 filter
- Journal of Neurogenetics (1) Apply Journal of Neurogenetics filter
- Journal of Physiology Paris (1) Apply Journal of Physiology Paris filter
- Journal of Physiology-Paris (2) Apply Journal of Physiology-Paris filter
- Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens handlingar (1) Apply Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens handlingar filter
- Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology (1) Apply Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology filter
- Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin (1) Apply Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin filter
- Molecular Ecology Resources (1) Apply Molecular Ecology Resources filter
- Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preuss[ischen] Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1) Apply Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preuss[ischen] Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin filter
- Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg (7ième Série) (1) Apply Mémoires de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg (7ième Série) filter
- Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer. Classe des sciences naturelles et médicales [in-8] (1) Apply Mémoires de l’Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer. Classe des sciences naturelles et médicales [in-8] filter
- Mémoires de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire (1) Apply Mémoires de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire filter
- Neotropical Ichthyology (1) Apply Neotropical Ichthyology filter
- Notes Leyden Museum (1) Apply Notes Leyden Museum filter
- Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) (1) Apply Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) filter
- Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Série 2) (1) Apply Nouvelles Archives du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (Série 2) filter
- PLoS ONE (1) Apply PLoS ONE filter
- Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. (1) Apply Post mortem auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Hauniae. filter
- Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (4) Apply Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia filter
- Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London (3) Apply Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London filter
- Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1901 (1) Apply Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1901 filter
- Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1904 (1) Apply Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London 1904 filter
- Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London Pt. 3 (1) Apply Proceedings of the General Meetings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of London Pt. 3 filter
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (1) Apply Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences filter
- Proceedings of the Royal Society B (1) Apply Proceedings of the Royal Society B filter
- Proceedings of the United States National Museum (2) Apply Proceedings of the United States National Museum filter
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1) Apply Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London filter
- Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1871 (pt 3) (1) Apply Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1871 (pt 3) filter
- Publicações Culturais (1) Apply Publicações Culturais filter
- Revue de Zoologie Africaine (4) Apply Revue de Zoologie Africaine filter
- Revue de Zoologie et Botanique africaines (1) Apply Revue de Zoologie et Botanique africaines filter
- Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaine (2) Apply Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaine filter
- Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines (3) Apply Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines filter
- Revue d’Hydrobiologie Tropicale (4) Apply Revue d’Hydrobiologie Tropicale filter
- Revue Zoologique Africaine (3) Apply Revue Zoologique Africaine filter
- Science (1) Apply Science filter
- Sitzungs-berichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (1) Apply Sitzungs-berichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin filter
- Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (3) Apply Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin filter
- Springer Handbook of Auditory Research (1) Apply Springer Handbook of Auditory Research filter
- Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin (1) Apply Stanford Ichthyological Bulletin filter
- Sumtibus Auctoris Impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano Commissum (1) Apply Sumtibus Auctoris Impressum et Bibliopolio Sanderiano Commissum filter
- The American Naturalist (1) Apply The American Naturalist filter
- The American University in Cairo Press (1) Apply The American University in Cairo Press filter
- The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa (1) Apply The Fresh and Brackish Water Fishes of Lower Guinea, West-Central Africa filter
- The Journal of Comparative Neurology (2) Apply The Journal of Comparative Neurology filter
- Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging (1) Apply Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Dierkundige Vereeniging filter
- Transactions of the Zoological Society of London (1) Apply Transactions of the Zoological Society of London filter
- Verhandlungen der K.-K. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien (1) Apply Verhandlungen der K.-K. zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien filter
- Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Ser. 2) (1) Apply Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Ser. 2) filter
- World Biodiversity Database, CD-ROM Series (1) Apply World Biodiversity Database, CD-ROM Series filter
- ZooKeys (1) Apply ZooKeys filter
- Zoologica Scripta (1) Apply Zoologica Scripta filter
- Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (1) Apply Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society filter
- Zoology of Egypt (1) Apply Zoology of Egypt filter
- Zoosystema (1) Apply Zoosystema filter
- Zootaxa (4) Apply Zootaxa filter
Filtrer par auteur :
- (-) Remove millerse filter millerse