
Auteurstrier par ordre décroissantAnnéeTitre
Baker, C. A., Ma, L., Casareale, C. R., Carlson B. A.2016Behavioral and Single-Neuron Sensitivity to Millisecond Variations in Temporally Patterned Communication Signals
Carlson, B. A.2016Differences in electrosensory anatomy and social behavior in an area of sympatry between two species of mormyrid electric fishes
Hofmann, V., Sanguinetti-Scheck, J. I., Gomez-Sena, L., Engelmann J.2016Sensory flow as a basis for a novel distance cue in freely behaving electric fish
Kisekelwa, T., Boden, G., Snoeks, J., Vreven E.2016Marcusenius kaninginii, a new species of elephantfish from the Lowa River basin, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Osteoglossiformes: Mormyridae)
Kramer, B., Maake, P. A., Gon O.2016Electric organ discharges of South African Marcusenius species (Teleostei: Mormyridae) and their effectiveness as indicators of local species diversity
Kramer, B., van der Bank, F. Herman, Wink M.2016Marcusenius desertus sp. nov. (Teleostei: Mormyridae), a mormyrid fish from the Namib desert
Lamanna, F., Kirschbaum, F., Ernst, A. R. R., Feulner, P. G. D., Mamonekene, V., Paul, C., Tiedemann R.2016Species delimitation and phylogenetic relationships in a genus of African weakly-electric fishes (Osteoglossiformes, Mormyridae, Campylomormyrus)
Lavoué, S.2016Petrocephalus leo, a new species of African electric fish (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) from the Oubangui River basin (Congo basin)
Nguyen, L., Paul, C., Mamonekene, V., Bartsch, P., Tiedemann, R., Kirschbaum F.2016Reproduction and development in some species of the weakly electric genus Campylomormyrus (Mormyridae, Teleostei)
Paul, C., Kirschbaum, F., Mamonekene, V., Tiedemann R.2016Evidence for Non-neutral Evolution in a Sodium Channel Gene in African Weakly Electric Fish (Campylomormyrus, Mormyridae)
Pitchers, W. R., Constantinou, S. J., Losilla, M., Gallant J. R.2016Electric Fish Genomics: Progress, Prospects, and New Tools for Neuroethology
Pitchers, W. R., Constantinou, S. J., Losilla, M., Gallant J. R.2016Electric fish genomics: progress, prospects, and new tools for neuroethology
Ragheb, E.2016Growth pattern and natural mortality of elephant fishes (Mormyrus kannume, Mormyridae) in the Damietta branch of Nile, Egypt
Schumacher, S., de Perera, T. Burt, von der Emde G.2016Object discrimination through active electrolocation: Shape recognition and the influence of electrical noise
Stell, S. K., Moller P.2016Anal-fin ray morphology indicates sexual maturity in Brevimyrus niger (Teleostei, Mormyridae)
Sullivan, J. P., Lavoué, S., Hopkins C. D.2016Cryptomyrus: a new genus of Mormyridae (Teleostei, Osteoglossomorpha) with two new species from Gabon, West-Central Africa
von der Emde, G., Ruhl T.2016Matched Filtering in African Weakly Electric Fish: Two Senses with Complementary Filters
Vélez, A., Carlson B. A.2016Detection of transient synchrony across oscillating receptors by the central electrosensory system of mormyrid fish
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith