Petrocephalus catostoma (Günther, 1866)

General description: 

Modified from Günther (1866):

Dorsal fin rays: 21. Anal fin rays: 26. Scales along the lateral line: 41.

The form of the snout is nearly the same as in Mormyrus (i.e., Pollimyrus) isidori, the cleft of the mouth being at the lower side of the snout, behind the front margin of the orbit. Teeth small, dilated and notched, forming a complete series round the margin of both jaws. The origin of the dorsal fin is a little nearer to the root of the caudal than to the occiput. The pectoral extends somewhat beyond the middle of the ventral, which is rather more than half as long as the pectoral. The height of the body is contained thrice in the total length, the length of the head thrice and two-thirds. Uniform silvery, back blackish.


Distinct phylogenetic lineage within the Petrocephalus of still unresolved position.


Type from the Rovuma River (Tanzania).

Widely distributed in East Africa. See Fishbase for museum records and localities.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith