Petrocephalus keatingii Boulenger, 1901

General description: 

Modified from Boulenger (1901): Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 4 to 4 and 1/3. Head as long as deep, rounded; snout very short, 1/7 length of head, projecting beyond the mouth, which is situated below anterior border of eye; diameter of eye 1/4 length of head; 16 teeth in the upper jaw, 26 in the lower. Dorsal 25, originating above fifteenth ray of anal, its length 1/2 its distance from head. Anal 38-39. Pectoral 4/5 length of head. Caudal with pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 2 and 1/2 as long as deep, 3/4 length of head. 41-44 scales in the lateral line, (10/(12-13)) in a transverse line on the body, (13/(8-9)) in a transverse line between dorsal and anal, 10 round caudal peduncle. Silvery, back and anterior rays of dorsal darker.

This species, named in honour of Dr. Keatinge, Director of the Government School of Medicine, Cairo.


Total length 105 mm.


Type specimens from Fashoda.

Nile basin.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith