Cyphomyrus macrops

General description: 

From Boulenger 1909, p. 84:

Depth of body 3 times in total length, length of head 4 2/3 times. Snout rounded, projecting beyond the mouth, 1/6 length of head; mouth small, inferior, its width 1/6 length of head; teeth small, truncate or feebly notched, 5 in upper jaw, 6 in lower; chin slightly swollen; nostrils nearer eye than end of snout, on a line with lower border of eye; eye very large, twice as long as snout, a little greater than interorbital width, which is 4 times in length of head. Dorsal 37, as long as its distance from head. Anal 27, originating below 9th ray of dorsal, equally distant from base of ventral and from base of caudal. Pectoral pointed, nearly as long as head, once and ½ as long as ventral, extending beyond base of latter. Caudal with long, pointed lobes. Caudal peduncle 3 times as long as deep, a little shorter than head. 60 scales in lateral line, 17/19 in transverse series on body, 11/11 in transverse series between dorsal and anal, 12 round caudal peduncle. Dark brown above, lighter beneath.


to 190 mm.


widespread in Congo Basin. See FishBase for museum records and localities.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith