Pollimyrus plagiostoma

General description: 

Translated from original description, Boulenger (1898):

Body depth is contained 3 times in TL, head length 5 times. Head is as long as deep, with upper profile lightly concave; snout measures 1/5th of HL; mouth is situated below anterior border of eye, its width 5 times in HL.; teeth very small, feebly notched, 9/10. Nares at level of the lower border of eye, the posterior one very close to it. Eye diameter moderately large and equal to snout length and 2/3rds of the interocular width. Dorsal fin contains 35 rays, its length equal to its distance from the head. Anal fin with 30 rays begins under the 11th dorsal ray at equal distance between the origin of the pelvic fin and that of the caudal fin. Pectoral fin is pointed, as long as the head, 1 2/3rds times longer than the pelvic and reaches beyond its base. Caudal peduncle 4 times longer than deep and measures ¾ HL. Scales along lateral line 55, 15/22 in transverse series along the body, 12/15 between dorsal and anal, 16 around caudal peduncle. Color, after time in preservative is uniform brown.  Total Length: 17 cm.  Three specimens from Matadi (Lower Congo).

Taverne (1971) placed this species in his new genus, Pollimyrus. Stiassny et al. 2021 moved it to Cyphomyrus. A molecular study by Peterson et al. 2022 indicated that placement in Pollimyrus is correct.

Diagnostic description: 

Translated from original description, Boulenger (1898):

Body depth is contained 3 times in TL, head length 5 times. Head is as long as deep, with upper profile lightly concave; snout measures 1/5th of HL; mouth is situated below anterior border of eye, its width 5 times in HL.; teeth very small, feebly notched, 9/10. Nares at level of the lower border of eye, the posterior one very close to it. Eye diameter moderately large and equal to snout length and 2/3rds of the interocular width. Dorsal fin contains 35 rays, its length equal to its distance from the head. Anal fin with 30 rays begins under the 11th dorsal ray at equal distance between the origin of the pelvic fin and that of the caudal fin. Pectoral fin is pointed, as long as the head, 1 2/3rds times longer than the pelvic and reaches beyond its base. Caudal peduncle is 4 times longer than deep and measures ¾ HL. Scales along lateral line 55, 15/22 in transverse series along the body, 12/15 between dorsal and anal, 16 around caudal peduncle. Color, after time in preservative is uniform brown.  Total Length: 17 cm.  Three specimens from Matadi (Lower Congo).

Taxon biology: 

Taverne (1971) placed this species in his new genus, Pollimyrus.  Stiassny et al. 2021 moved it to Cyphomyrus.  A molecular study by Peterson et al. 2022 suggested that placement in Pollimyrus is correct.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith