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Heteromormyrus pauciradiatus (Steindachner, 1866)
Subfamily: MormyrinaeGenus: Heteromormyrus
General Description (From Boulenger 1909, based on original description by Steindachner 1866.)
Depth of body equal to length of head, 3 times in total length. Head once and 1/4 as long as deep; snout rounded, 1/4 length of head; mouth small, subterminal, but situated considerably below level of eye; teeth notched; eye rather small, 2/3 length of snout; nostrils on a level with lower border of eye, midway between latter and end of the snout. Dorsal 18, originating a little posterior to origin of anal, its length 3 times in its distance from head. Anal 23, a little nearer base of caudal than base of ventral. Pectoral shorter than head, hardly reaching base of ventral. Caudal with rounded lobes. Caudal peduncle once and 1/2 as long as deep, 1/2 length of head. 70 scales in lateral line, about 20 round caudal peduncle.
Size: type = 100 mm TL. This specimen appears to be a juvenile.
EOD and electric organ: unknown.
Distribution: Type locality only given as "Angola," but given date of collection it can be reasonably inferred it was collected near Luanda in Kwanza or Bengo River basins. Non-type specimen identified as this species by Boulenger from Bengo R. at Cabiri, BMNH 1910.11.28.44.