Contenu récent

TypeTitreAuteurRéponsesDernière mise à jour
BiblioSperm competition, sexual selection and the diverse reproductive biology of Osteoglossiformes jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioGenetic drift does not sufficiently explain patterns of electric signal variation among populations of the mormyrid electric fish Paramormyrops kingsleyae jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioStudying convergent evolution to relate genotype to behavioral phenotype jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioSilencing the spark: CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in weakly electric fish jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioThe transcriptional correlates of divergent electric organ discharges in Paramormyrops electric fish jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioThe genome and adult somatic transcriptome of the mormyrid electric fish Paramormyrops kingsleyae jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioA review of the reproductive biology of mormyroid fishes: An emerging model for biomedical research jasongallant0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioImpact of environmental features on the distribution of Marcusenius species (Pisces, Mormyridae) in Malebo Pool of Kinshasa in the Congo River John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
Biblio12. Mormyridae millerse0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioFood and feeding habit of Mormyrus rume (Valenciennes, 1846) in Lake Geriyo, Adamawa, Nigeria John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioSur quelques poissons du Sud de la Côte d'Ivoire John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioReproduction and development in some species of the weakly electric genus Campylomormyrus (Mormyridae, Teleostei) John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioTrophic ecology of the African riverine elephant fishes (Mormyridae) John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioFossils indicate marine dispersal in osteoglossid fishes, a classic example of continental vicariance John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioOverall diet of four species of Marcusenius (M. monteiri, M. stanleyanus, M. sp.'malebo' and M. schilthuisiae) from Pool Malebo, Congo River, Kinshasa John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioA new type of spermiogenesis in teleost fish: formation of the aflagellate sperm in Campylomormyrus compressirostris (Osteoglossomorpha: Mormyridae) John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioDiet in phenotypically divergent sympatric species of African weakly electric fish (genus: Campylomormyrus)—A hybrid capture/HTS metabarcoding approach John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioExploration du Parc National de l'Upemba Mission G.F. De Witte, Fascicule 73 Poissons John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioOntogeny reveals the origin of Gemminger bones in Mormyridae John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioA new genome assembly of an African weakly electric fish (Campylomormyrus compressirostris, Mormyridae) indicates rapid gene family evolution in Osteoglossomorpha John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioHistology of Convergent Probing Appendages in Mormyridae John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioTranscriptome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms related to electric organ discharge differentiation among African weakly electric fish species. John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioGenome and karyotype evolution underlying speciation and diversification of electric organ discharges in African weakly electric fish (Campylomormyrus, Mormyridae, Teleostei) John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioThe electric organ of a mormyrid as a current and voltage source John P. Sullivan0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine
BiblioHistoire naturelle des poissons. Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepéde) millerse0Il y a 4 mois 1 semaine


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith